DiFit Lifestyle Coach Mervin is having more than 10 years experienced and up-to-date information about health and fitness. He helped various individuals to achieved their goal in the shortest time period. His is skilled in training programs like Boxing, weight/fat loss, weight/muscle gains, body transformation/building, strength and conditioning, sport performance, physical fitness test, injury related rehabilitation as well as issues in mobility, stability & posture.
There are 2 reason to choose him as your trainer is motivation and strong will power. he says “my skills and result-oriented fitness programs derived from good education and dedication to help clients to reached their optimum goals.
- Boxing
- Weight / Fat Loss
- Leans Muscle Gain
- Body Transformation
- Strength and Conditioning
- Physical Fitness
- Injury Rehabilitation
- Mobility / Stability, Posture
- Senior Fitness
- Kids Fitness
- Level 3 Personal Trainer
- REPs UAE Certified
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