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Difit Is A Synonym For A New Era Of Fitness – Be It For The Guaranteed Quality Of Service We Provide To Our Clients Or The Liberal Choices We Provide To Them To Make Them Healthier And FIT.


Deciding you need to be FIT and Healthy and sweating it out is not enough. Our proven interactive personal training technique helps to motivate you achieve your fitness goals in the shortest possible time, and in the most enjoyable manner, where our trainers also accompany you for your workouts whether your goals is to lose weight, gain lean muscles or total body transformation.

It has been such a hit among our clients as they can choose from a wide range of fitness practices such as functional training, body building, cross fit, weight loss, boot camp, yoga, Pilates and other sports such as football, kick boxing, karate, and swimming.

1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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March 2022

People affected with COVID-19 show several symptoms ranging from continuous cough, fever, loss of smell/taste and more. Even though vaccines are available, the best way to stay clear of these evolving diseases is to follow proper sanitation protocols, social distancing and having proper nutrition. However, one thing worth knowing is that the disease causes more problems to those people with a weaker immune system, elderly people or people with long term medical conditions, etc.Undertaking PROPER NUTRITION and staying hydrated helps in managing the symptoms, improves metabolism & immunity. Getting a

Exercising regularly is essential to keep your body fit and healthy. Being pregnant doesn’t mean you don’t have to exercise. If you want to stay strong and deliver a healthy baby, it is better to start now and yes, exercising during pregnancy is safe and healthy. You can do jogging, walking, Pilates, functional movements and try yoga classes or anything that you are comfortable with. If you use to exercise before pregnancy, you can continue the same, however, just be careful. In this article, we explain some easy to do exercises that you can try out without much difficulty or assistance. So, let’s get started.

There are 3 stages of exercise as there are 3 trimesters in pregnancy:

FIRST TRIMESTER-Walking, Swimming, Jogging, Yoga, Pilates, Functional MovementsSECOND TRIMESTER- Yoga, Pilates, Plank, Side-Lying Inner and Outer Thigh THIRD TRIMESTER-Walking, Yoga, Pilates, Pelvic Floor Exercises


Walking is a simple yet effective aerobic exercise for maintaining your fitness during the pregnancy period. What makes it effective is that it is free and you can do it for all nine months if you feel comfortable. If you’re looking for something simple to start with then walking is the best way to get started.


Yoga primarily focuses on your mental and physical wellbeing. It involves various breathing exercises and body postures. Yoga during pregnancy focuses on relaxation and breathing techniques along with associated postures. By joining a reputed fitness centre in your area, take advice and you can reduce stress and achieve peace.


Pilates is a low impact exercise comprising controlled movements that enhance your balance, core strength, mobility, flexibility, and even mood. It focuses on the smaller and deeper muscles that support your structure and enhance your overall health.


Love to do cycling? Then it is a great way to begin your fitness journey. However, as your belly bump gets bigger, it will affect your balance which increases your chances of falling off. Luckily, you can exercise using a stationary exercise bike at the nearest gym.The list doesn’t end here. There are plenty of other exercises you can do at home or work. Likewise, you can make your body and mind more active by engaging in light household chores or you can do gardening if it is something you love to do.

Don't neglect the pelvic muscles

Pregnancy and childbirth weaken your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are located in your pelvis and protect your bowels, womb and bladder. Weak pelvis muscles results increase the risks of becoming incontinent which is not good at all. Therefore, make sure to exercise and make your pelvis floor strong. furthermore, there are several exercises available which you can do at any time of day. Consulting your doctor is a good way to know more and the various exercises and activities you can do comfortably without any risk or injuries.

Consider these few tips

  • Do not exercise for more than 45 minutes daily
  • Stop exercising if your body shows unusual symptoms
  • Keep your body hydrated at all times
  • Warm-up before and cool down after exercising


If you haven’t done any exercises pre-pregnancy, you can start doing it now. Start with 15 minutes of exercise 3 days a week and slowly increase it to 30-minutes sessions 4 days a week or every day if you are comfortable. Also, while doing exercises, make it smooth and don’t push yourself too hard. However, this may result in becoming overheated which is not good for the mother and the baby.TO GET IN TOUCH WITH HOLISTIC PRE AND POSTNATAL PERSONAL TRAINING PROGRAMS CONTACT DIFIT LIFESTYLE 800 TRAINER