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Difit Is A Synonym For A New Era Of Fitness – Be It For The Guaranteed Quality Of Service We Provide To Our Clients Or The Liberal Choices We Provide To Them To Make Them Healthier And FIT.


Deciding you need to be FIT and Healthy and sweating it out is not enough. Our proven interactive personal training technique helps to motivate you achieve your fitness goals in the shortest possible time, and in the most enjoyable manner, where our trainers also accompany you for your workouts whether your goals is to lose weight, gain lean muscles or total body transformation.

It has been such a hit among our clients as they can choose from a wide range of fitness practices such as functional training, body building, cross fit, weight loss, boot camp, yoga, Pilates and other sports such as football, kick boxing, karate, and swimming.

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Difit Lifestyle

purpose of a personal trainer

What is the purpose of a personal trainer?

The purpose of a personal trainer is to provide individualized fitness guidance and support to help clients achieve their health and fitness goals. A personal trainer can help clients by designing customized workout plans, providing nutritional advice, and offering motivation and accountability. In this article, we will explore the key roles and responsibilities of a personal trainer and the benefits of working with one.

Assessment and goal setting

The first role of a personal trainer is to assess the client’s current fitness level and identify their health and fitness goals. This typically involves a consultation, where the trainer will ask about the client’s exercise history, lifestyle, and any health concerns or limitations. The trainer may also perform a physical assessment, such as measuring body composition, testing cardiovascular fitness, and assessing muscular strength and flexibility.

Once the assessment is complete, the trainer will work with the client to set realistic and achievable goals. These goals may include weight loss, muscle gain, improved cardiovascular health, or increased flexibility. By setting specific and measurable goals, the trainer can develop a personalized workout plan that is tailored to the client’s needs and preferences.

Designing a workout plan

Once the trainer has assessed the client’s fitness level and goals, they will design a customized workout plan. This plan may include cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises. The trainer will select exercises that are appropriate for the client’s fitness level and goals, and may vary the intensity, duration, and frequency of the workouts as the client progresses.

The trainer may also incorporate a variety of workout techniques, such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), circuit training, and resistance band training. By using a variety of techniques, the trainer can keep the client engaged and motivated, and help prevent boredom or plateauing.

Providing guidance and feedback

During workouts, the personal trainer will provide guidance and feedback to ensure that the client is performing exercises correctly and safely. They will demonstrate proper technique, provide verbal cues, and adjust the client’s form as needed. By providing this feedback, the trainer can help the client avoid injury and maximize the benefits of each exercise.

The trainer may also track the client’s progress over time, using measurements such as body weight, body fat percentage, and strength gains. By monitoring progress, the trainer can adjust the workout plan as needed to ensure that the client continues to see results.

Nutritional guidance

In addition to designing a workout plan, a personal trainer may also provide nutritional guidance to help clients achieve their health and fitness goals. This may include advice on healthy eating habits, meal planning, and supplement use. The trainer may also help the client track their food intake, provide feedback on food choices, and offer tips on how to make healthier choices.

Motivation and accountability

Perhaps one of the most important roles of a personal trainer is to provide motivation and accountability. A personal trainer can provide the encouragement and support that clients need to stay committed to their health and fitness goals. They can also help clients overcome obstacles and setbacks, and celebrate successes and milestones along the way.

By working with a personal trainer, clients are more likely to stay on track with their fitness goals and maintain a consistent workout routine. This can lead to improved physical health, increased energy and vitality, and a greater sense of overall well-being.


The purpose of a personal trainer is to provide individualized guidance and support to help clients achieve their health and fitness goals. By assessing the client’s fitness level and goals, designing a customized workout plan, providing guidance and feedback, offering nutritional advice, and providing motivation and accountability, a personal trainer can help clients see real results and achieve lasting changes in their health and fitness. For booking, contact: +971 50 540 2829