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Difit Lifestyle

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga

The word ‘Karma’ means action. Hence, Karma Yoga is the ‘Path of Action’. The core of Karma Yoga is doing the work without any attachment to the results and outcomes. According to Karma Yoga, duties have to be performed with perfection, 100% dedication, right attitude and approach. Karma Yoga means doing a duty without being worried about the result (success or failure). Additionally, the action should be done without any ego or the feeling of ‘I’. The best way of expressing Karma Yoga in everyday life is to forget about the results of the actions and to continue working with righteousness and commitment.

Principles of Karma Yoga

1) Right attitude

The person doing the work is more important than the work itself by the first principle. It should be done with a full devotion and a lot of hard work and one must give their best.

2) Actions are more important than motives.

Karma Yoga directs focus on the action itself, not on the motivation behind it. If the action is done with the motive of getting some benefit out of it, then one is creating an attachment to the result.

3) Do your duty

Some of our roles are given to us at birth, such as a child, sibling and citizen, and others we choose ourselves, like a friend, employee, partner and parent.

4) Strive for the best.

The success of Karma Yoga means doing all the work with full dedication and commitment and without bothering about the result.

Importance of Karma Yoga

1) Developing new skills

When a person is allowed to perform various tasks, he/she has the opportunity to learn new things. the person starts improving in that particular field with the development of certain skills.

2) Achievement of goals.

The person practicing Karma Yoga can even reach his/her goals. A person is acknowledged and rewarded for doing assigned tasks with diligence and efficiency. Put all your energies into the task and success will surely be yours.

3). Enhances your feeling of calmness

This Yoga practice makes you wise and patient, and you become more peaceful and tolerant. When you are not bound to the outcome of your actions, you do not feel anger, sadness, or regret.

4) Develop the ability to release the ego.

The ego gives rise to desires and attachments that have no limit and it removes the mental peace. Through Karma Yoga, one learns to do actions without identifying oneself with the ego and without desires.

How to Practice Karma Yoga practice in everyday life?

1) Increase self-awareness

The most effective and suitable way of practicing Karma Yoga is to be aware of yourself. When you begin to wake up and realize the things you do, the way you think, and the words you use, you are going down the path of a small but powerful way to change the world.

2) Cultivate compassion

In the modern world, you can meet those who behave rudely or say something hurtful when they are angry or just in a bad mood. Instead of replying rudely to a negative statement, you can smile, say something politely, and show kindness to the person. This makes a huge change.

3) Show respect and gratitude.

We should be happy for what we have as well as never be sad for what we don’t have. It’s a common fact and there are lessons to be learned from every kind of hard or worst situation and that is what makes us amazing people in our lives.

4) Try to make the world a better place.

By doing the small things that are often neglected, and even thereafter you start to create a better world for yourself as well as for those who will come after you. Attempt to be aware of your responsibilities in your daily activities. As the saying goes, you give what you get.

Find Balance, Embrace Yourself

The moment you realize the significance of Karma yoga and start to practice it in your life, your path toward enlightenment and fulfillment will become easier. Hence, do your duty with detachment from the result.